Restaurantes y sitios con Karaoke en Español en el sur de la Florida

Lima Peru Restaurant es certificado abierto y tienen Karaoke en Espanol todo los dias,  Peruvian Karaoke Bar in Hollywood, FL
Name:  Lima Peru Restaurant


Location: 1832 Harrison Street
Hollywood, FL 33020
Tel. 786-278-8277
Hours: Noon to 11:30 PM (Closed Tuesdays)
Karaoke every night of the week!  Karaoke Todo los Dias durante el noche!


Name: Noche de Karaoke Dominicano

Location:  Milly Dominican Restaurant
Tel.  305-541-4122
Hours: Sabados / Saturdays 8pm hasta media noche!

Cover Charge: ZERO ENTRADA

Lima Peru Restaurante - Hollywood, FL Karaoke en Espanol - cucurucucu cancion - un foto de latinos cantando esa cancion en el restaurante el ultimo viernes

Sitios y club nocturnos ofreciendo Karaoke en Español en Miami, Hialeah y Todo el Sur de la Florida!~

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Latin South Florida Magazine is published by Luxury Chamber Media Group.  Our other publications include: SOUTH FLORIDA magazineSOUTHWEST FLORIDA magazineMondo Italiano MagazineMediterranean Magazine and Republican Magazine.  Our Chamber of Commerce entity is LUXURY CHAMBER of COMMERCE which is a for-profit networking group uniting local non-profits with luxury brands, donors, socialites and celebrities. &
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